
Urban Address Prague

About Us

Who is Urban Address
Bespoke Property Solutions Prague


Urban Address Prague specialises in uncovering unique properties available on the market that perfectly align with your investment goals or lifestyle dreams. We take the time to understand your unique needs and provide unwavering support throughout the entire process. From property search and legal matters to mortgage financing, renovations, interior design, and even rental management, we handle everything to ensure a seamless and stress-free experience.

Meet the founder
Irena Economou

My name is Irena Economou, and I am the founder of Urban Address Prague. I was born and raised in Prague, Czech Republic, and my life’s journey led me to live as an expat in various countries across Asia and Europe with my family.

During our time abroad, my husband and I often explored the idea of buying property in the countries we lived in. However, we quickly realized how challenging it was to navigate the local real estate markets on our own. We sought unbiased guidance and expertise to protect our best interests, yet found that many real estate agents were primarily focused on selling their own listings for maximum commission, rather than offering comprehensive access to the market or providing post-sale support.

In 2012, we returned to Prague, where I immersed myself in the city’s real estate scene. I’ve since invested in, renovated, and successfully managed several properties across Prague. Being part of the expat community, married to a foreigner, and raising children in an international school setting, I’ve shared my experiences and knowledge with fellow expats and friends seeking guidance in purchasing property.

Inspired by these experiences, I founded Urban Address Prague to provide a personalized, client-centered approach to real estate. I am committed to offering a comprehensive service that goes beyond property search and sale, providing end-to-end support tailored to each client’s needs and ensuring a smooth and rewarding property journey in Prague.

Let Urban Address Prague be your trusted partner in navigating Prague’s dynamic real estate landscape. I’m here to help you make your Prague property dreams a reality! 

About us, about Irena Economou, the founder of Urban Address Prague.
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